Global warming and its effects to farming

Written by Worthington Ag Parts


Global warming, or climate change, is a real thing. It’s happening right now, and we’re not talking about just rising water levels, we’re talking about different weather patterns that include storms, tornadoes, droughts, and even flooding as well. And when unusual weather occurs, the agricultural industry is by far one of the industries that are heavily affected. These lead to a worldwide increase in food prices which may even lead to food shortages in some countries as well. This is a reality that we all have to face, and as a farmer, you need to prepare for this. It’s more than just having used combine parts or shopping for extra John Deere tractor parts, you need to plan for these weather changes. The best thing that you can do is to adjust or change the type of crop that you’re planting for the harvest season. You can plant crops that are more resilient to weather changes such as drought or floods. This way, you can still have a favorable crop yield and a good harvest despite a storm or flood or two thrown at your farm. Failing to adapt and adjust on what type of crop to plant can mean disaster to your farm and your livelihood. It can result to defaults on your bank loans, as well as not having enough money to purchase seeds, fertilizer, and other equipment that you need for the next harvest season. If you don’t want anything bad to happen to your farm, you need to prepare for this.


Farm equipment doesn’t have to be expensive. If you only have a handful of stores in your community that offer farm equipment, go online and search for the parts that you need.